Wear Hope, Share Hope, Create Hope, And Enjoy the Purposeful Life You're Creating!
Wear Hope, Share Hope, Create Hope, And Enjoy the Purposeful Life You're Creating!
Do you want to make the world a better place
but don’t know how you can make a difference?
It's easy to hear about the injustices women are facing around the world and feel DISCOURAGED. Every Partner once whispered to herself, “What could I possibly do to make a difference?” Issues like global poverty and human trafficking can feel overwhelming. And with kids and careers, it’s easy to feel like, “I wouldn’t be able to do anything in a sustainable, effective way.”
But as a Partner, YOU can create job opportunities for women worldwide just by sharing their ethically made fashion and home accessories. You can create a global impact in between the everyday moments of your full life!
Sound too good to be true? ↓
Here's How It Works:

1. Women Are Facing Poverty
Around the world, women are in extreme poverty, not because they lack ability but because they lack job opportunities. This leads to moms giving up their babies to orphanages, human trafficking, slums, and sweatshops.

2. They Become Artisans of Fair Trade
Usually through word-of-mouth women in need hear about our Artisans' communities, that they too can make a living wage creating accessories. However, these communities usually lack a marketplace for their designs.

3. You Become a Partner
This is where YOUR path crosses with theirs! When you become a Partner and share our Artisans' designs, you create a thriving marketplace for their incredible handiwork! You're truly partnering with them!

4. Poverty Ending, Hope Rising!
Because you increased the demand for their designs, you create more income, more hope, and more job openings for more women! This leads to poverty ending, girls getting to go to school, and families less at risk to human trafficking!
Anju, an Artisan in India says:
“I was very happy when I was selected to be a Trades of Hope Girl!
"I hope Trades of Hope handbags tell my story to the world. My story is about true empowerment and how I am fighting all the odds with the right people by my side.”
Join Anju’s side and the side of THOUSANDS of other women around the world as a Partner! She’s right, being a Trades of Hope Girl is the BEST!
We are the Hope Girls:
This is for you if...
Hear from Other Partners
Will I get any tools or tips so I can do this well?
Yes! We give you super simple tips, photos, and graphics so talking about our mission and our Artisans' work is easy and fun!
Do I need to have sales experience?
No! Actually, most Partners are everyday women with no sales experience. Most of us are just very passionate women who love telling stories of women around the world and talking about their designs!
I don't have a lot a free time. How much time does this take?
No time? No problem. You can spend as little or as much time as you'd like! The average Partner spends about 15 minutes per day or one hour a week on Trades of Hope.
How do most Partners share our Artisan's designs?
As a Partner, you can share hope anyway that lights you up! Women who have already monetized a social media platform will share their Partner Link with their followers so that they can shop. Most women who don't have a monetized platform usually sell our products in online or in-person events. Others just share their links with family and friends!